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Showing posts from June, 2012

Lester's 900th CD

Lester has been collecting CDs since he was saving his lunch money in Jr.High School. He recently reached a milestone of 900 unique CDs (if you count his doubles, he has over 900 CDs, but we're not like that). We recorded this event with a special video for our blog. This isn't listed on Youtube yet, so thank for you watching, check it out. -Note - Also featured is my ongoing video game side quest! I made a big purchase. 900th CD Thriftdweller Weekend Happy Thrifting -Thriftdweller Nate

You're Invited to a Thriftdweller Birthday

Recently, it was a Thriftdweller birthday. I wanted to invite all our watchers and followers,  but this is the next best thing. You're invited to my birthday, just check the videos.... Thanks to everyone who came out to my birthday, I made a quick video. Sorry that I wasn't able to feature everyone, but that's probably good, since I don't think everyone is comfortable being on camera in youtube. Out in the Wild "Give me the loot, give me the loot, I'm a bad boy..." The Gifts. My friends are the BEST friends EVER! Happy Thrifting

FOR TRADE June 2012

Pictures and Lists of things I have for trade from June 2012 (After the jump) More after the jump!