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Vinyl Toy Hungry - Attack Report from Winnipeg

Soup - Viva Restaurant (Winnipeg, Sargent near Maryland)
Location - Winnipeg, Langside and Broadway
Toy - JunPo by UNKL - Retail $40 new

I picked up my first designer toy a week ago and hoped that it wouldn't consume me (like video games and comics have)... But they won't stop attacking me! My last trip to the thrift store turned up a complete set of these 3 JunPo Toys by UNKL. They have a funny back story and loose social message, I like these toys...

Thrift Dwelling Details
Salvation Army Thrift Store, Empress, 1530hrs.
JunPo by UNKL purchased $3.50 each. (retail $40.00 each new)

Most of the designer toys I've seen have a whole story about them based on the toy itself. Usually it's just a back story with no plot or climax. Like the appendices of Lord of the Rings, these toys seem to be just an element of a grander world. I guess if you had the urge to play with them, you could use imagination to make up your own exciting adventures, like we use to do with our old toys. (yes, it's lame.) enjoy the pictures.

I was thinking our blog would need it's own designer toy. Probably an amalgamated turtle with robot, zombie and urban elements. Inspired by my latest vinyl toy finds, this would the the "thrift dweller's" back story for our designer toy.

Like the phantom living beneath his opera house, "thrift dwellers" (they got to look like turtles) built their recluse beneath the streets of Winnipeg. They all have a shared interest of studying Winnipeg's grand scheme, they collect the city's discarded relics and have an affinity of archiving it's diverse sub cultures.  The first discovered Thrift Dwellers share a love for retro Video Games and Professional Wrestling. They are known as LP (we could name him eylpe), specialising in urban lifestyle, retro music and tech, and NC (or encee), who's interests include childhood Cartoons, combat sports and toys. We know there are many more thrift dwellers out there, but how many? how long have they been here? Who knows? (but keep reading the blog!)

Hey LP, could we theme this whole blog like that? 


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