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Hardcore Rules in Winnipeg CWE March 7 2012

The Innovator of Violence loose in Winnipeg.
After their impressive 3rd anniversary show last january, CWE (Canada's Wrestling Ellite) followed it up with another entertaining slobber knocker "Explicit Content". The Innovator of Violence Tommy Dreamer and the one and only Million Dollar Man Ted Debiase joined the ranks of the CWE for an unforgettable night. It was cold in the streets of Winnipeg that night, but CWE burned the house down.

P.S. I think we caught the BEST MATCH EVER on camera... Check THRIFT DWELLER TV.

Explicit Content 
March 7 2012 - 1930hrs
Wrestling has no shortage of adjectives, and I could use all of them to describe March 7 2012 at Cowboy's Roadhouse. The headliners Tommy Dreamer and Ted Debisae didn't disappoint, as they, and the entire CWE crew put on a heck of a Barn Burner.
Everyone's got a price!
UMM... he catches him!
No body cuts a promo like Zach Mercury. (spell check)
The Galaxy's Own.... Mentallo
The big announcement of the night was the coming of Physco Sid (aka Sid Vicious) next month to help put an end to Size Matters. Team Impact and Chevy and AJ couldn't settle their diffrences, so next month the Tag Belts will be settled in a TLC match. The Main Event pit saw the Original Thug Crew put an end to the Son's of Anarchy, with the help of Tommy Dreamer. Barb wire, thumb tacks and stop signs, the action couldn't be contained by a ring, as the action went all up and down Cowboys in one of the craziest matches we've seen ever. We tried to capture it all on tape (ECW style!) . It was straight Bananas, you gotta check it out.

If you've never seen a CWE event, you should try it at least once. The best local entertainment for $15! Thriftdweller Recommended.

Does anyone remember King Slender?
Final Thoughts
The Headliners are what get people in the door, but the local talent is what shines and carries the show. CWE allows them to express their craft and gives us the opportunity to enjoy it. Mentallo, Team Impact, Danny Dugan, OTC (Original Thug Crew) and more.

If you ain't down with CWE... haha
Now the word itself, "Local Wrestling" can have a negative stigma attached, mostly of a unjust disposition. It is what it is, a local wrestling event, and they're not trying to be anything but what they are. Bottom line, it's entertaining, the wrestlers are talented and it's always a fun night out. It isn't for everyone, but I gave it a try and I love it. If it wasn't for CWE and local wrestling keeping up Winnipeg's Wrestling scene, we wouldn't have cool attractions coming through. So far, LP and I have got the honour of seeing Sabu, Carlito, Mr.Ass, Road Dogg Jessie James, Christopher Daniels, Larry Zabisko, Ax and Smash, Raven and more. Who knows? We could be watching future stars in the making. Did you know current Heavyweight WWE Champion Daniel Bryan used to wrestle for CWE?

Happy Thrifting.


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