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Street Fighter X Tekken Special Edition - Reflections

Now no one can touch my money!
We picked up the special edition for the Street Fighter X Tekken game for the PS3 recently. In addition to the game, the special edition comes with the exclusive comic prequel story, 36 more gems and a sweet Arcade Piggy bank, which I decided to put together for you. What do we think of the game now after 24 hours? Was the special edition worth it?

First Impressions
As we've already stated, this game uses the Street Figthter 4 fighting engine, although, you will notice some small tweaks. The addition of the Tekken characters and the added elements of their fighting style really give this game a feel all it's own. The barrier to entry (how hard it is to learn) feels more than Marvel vs. Capcom 3 but I am enjoying fooling around with this game and learning.

The Tag System can make for some Sweet Mayhem.
Photo Credit :
The Best Part...
The Tag System 

I loved expirementing with this thing. Aside from the basic tag, you can do a "combo continuance tag" (I don't know what it's called). For instance, as Ken is finishing his Hurricane Kick for the end of his combo, you can call in your partner to continue breaking the fool, but unlike a basic tag, it costs one level. The tag system can really make the action go insane. I can't wait to see what the pros do with this thing.

The Cross Super Art Combo is gnarly. A level 3 Cross combo where each partner completes a Super Arts combo one after the other. Super sweet way to finish someone off, very rewarding visual.

The best thing I think so far is you can call your partner and both of you can attack your opponent at the same time. If you were playing with a friend, both of you can be busting up your opponent AT THE SAME TIME. If your playing alone, than the computer and you attack at the same time. This could be ill at tournament. The possibilities seem endless.

SFXT Tag System gets a KO rating.
Photo Credit -
The Down Side...
The Gem System
I checked this out a little, something I will have to come back to. For those who don't know (I didn't until today), the gem system are special triggered abilities you can choose to customize your character with special abilities. For instance one gem states once you are blocked 4 times, you activate an ability that temporary gives you +10% damage. I'm sure there's more to this, but I'll have figure it out. The special edition gives you 36 more gems that you would otherwise have to buy. It didn't add a whole lot for me, but I'm sure the to the DIE HARDs, this will give them some advantage, if not just for the customization ability.

The special addition, in all it's Marked Up Price glory!
The game itself was great! I love it. A well done epic cross over like this is a must have. Will I get sick of this game? I did kinda put Street Fighter 4 on the shelf after a while, and this game pretty much is that game, but brought to a whole new level. We'll have to wait and see.

The special edition came with a comic book prequel (it was slapped on to the back of the instructions), the piggy bank and the additional gems. The regular version is $59.99 while the special edition is $69.99. I say if you are not a die hard fan, or if you need the $10, don't bother with the special edition. If you have the coin to burn, it's nice to add to the collection, but the gems and other extras don't add much to the game itself. 


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