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Sega Genesis Upgrade - Retro-Bit AV Cord Review

Retro-Bit AV Cord for the Sega Genesis Model 2 $10 (PNP Games)

If there is one MAJOR drawback in Sega Genesis Retro Gaming, it's that the standard Sega Genesis only came with the RF Coaxial connector. Everyone knows that this means a lower visual clarity, especially when connecting to a HD Television. But what can we do? Retro Bit offers this, an AV cord for $10. Is it worth it? Can this be the solution to my problem?  (P.S. Nothing can help my problems!=)

More after the jump...

Console of the Month

My wife only allows one retro console in the living room,  per month!

Every month, I like to change up retro consoles in the living room. This month, I thought it be dope to unleash the Sega Genesis! Home to games such as Sonic The Hedgehog, Street Fighter and my wife's personal have... Columns? This great idea posed one problem, however. The Sega Genesis only came with a standard RF switch.

Before the AV Retro-Bit Cable (middle), you only had the RF switch option (right/left)

The Problem

It's common knowledge in Video Games, an RF Switch (coaxial hook up) is far less in visual quality than Standard AV Cords (the yellow, white and red ones!), especially on HD televisions, where every blemish is magnified. The problem was, the Genesis came out before the whole AV "television-ing" era, hence it only came with a standard RF Switch. Darn these First World problems (thanks Karl for that one!)

Retro Bit offers 2 different AV cables for the Model 2 (left) and the Model 1 (right) as they are NOT interchangeable!

The Solution?

My local video game store (PNP Games) sells a Third Party (NOT made by Sega) AV Cord by Retro-Bit, for $10. Now some people may be asking "Should a simple cord REALLY cost $10?" It's common knowledge that AV cords produce far superior picture than RF connectors, but is the difference worth it? The only way to REALLY know is to compare them, side by side.

Retro-Bit's AV Cable (6feet) for the Sega Genesis Model 2 (model 1 AV cable available).

The Outcome!

Not surprisingly, the AV cords did look notably better than it's RF counterpart, although the pictures may show that difference to be minuscule, and only significant to the Hard Core gamers, like yours truly (or Lester, the other thriftdweller). The biggest shock (that the pictures can not tell)  was the SOUND. Compared to the muffled flat sound of the RF Switch, the AV cables gave a more clear and sharper tone, as well as being louder, at the same volume setting, as the RF switch. Finally, Sega in Stereo! Check it out...

Retro-Bit AV Cable - Notice the pixel clarity.
RF Switch - Notice decrease definition and "melting"

AV Cable
RF Switch
Of Course - LESTER plays in HD!

In Conclusion

If you're a "cheap-ish" person, or one who likes to stay true to the original, then the $10 for the AV cables may be better spent on buying an old style "boob-tube" (CRT) television, where this console was meant to be played on.

If you're like me, who craves the best performance, while staying true to the hardware... Then you're better off pulling off some "Frankenstien-ing" composite video upgrade, involving soldering and know how! Otherwise, $10 is a fair compromise for a simple upgrade in both video and sound!

If you're LESTER, you can play in HD! Check out his HD Retro Video Gaming Review Here! He goes into how you can play retro video games in HD. Worth a read!

Thank You for Reading!

Now my wife and I are about to enjoy some Retro Sega Genesis gaming this month, IN STEREO!!! Busting out the old Sega Genesis has got me wanting to play more games! Maybe we should do some Retro Video Game reviews?? hmm......
Thriftdweller OUT!

Happy Thrifting!


  1. Does the cable output true stereo or just mono through both speakers? because i had bought this cable and it sounds to me like mono through both speakers

    1. The Genesis 1 only outputs mono from the rear jack. So, with this cable it would just be mono through both speakers. You can get stereo from the model 1 by using a Y-adapter from the front headphone jack. However, it is also VERY easy to modify the model 1 to do stereo sound.

  2. I didn't know you guys had a blog. I've been watching the YouTube channel for a while now. I just wanted to let you know that Sega had composite A/V cables for the model 1. I've had composite cables for my model 1 since I got in 1991. You can find them on eBay all the time, though they aren't really any better than the cables you have there. However, there's a way to get component without any soldering from a model 1 or even a model 2 Genesis. Both models output RGB from the factory. So, you can get an RGB SCART cable. Then get an RGB to component converter and you're set. It looks worlds better than the composite. Both can be found on eBay for a total of about $55.

  3. AV cables are very important in our daily life. AV cables connect DVD player to the TV, computer to the monitor, music system to the speaker. If you want to buy the best AV cables then you can visit our site. Best AV accessories WA


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